~ The Three-Period Lesson is introduced in Montessori as a structured approach for learning and strengthened new vocabulary that comes in three stages.
The First Period Lesson (Naming)
In this period the Teacher is introducing the object or concept by just saying the name without giving any more information. The Teacher uses the key word «This is» for example «This is a small pink cube» and the child is watching carefully as the teacher repeats for three more times.
The Second Period Lesson (Recognition)
In this period the child is recognizing and associating the object or concept by memorizing the name that has been introduced previously. The Teacher uses the keyword «Show me» such as «Show me the small pink Cube». Then repeats three more times.
The Third Period Lesson (Recall)
In the third and final period lesson the Teacher gives the child the chance to demonstrate their knowledge from the previous two period lessons. The Teacher uses the keyword «What is this?» by pointing it’s finger to the object.
~ This learning method is the correct approach that is based on the scientific studies of human memorization. In this way the child first is listening to the word sound and then it associates the sound with the object visually. The child is learning new vocabulary by moving from Practical to Theory, from Listening and Speaking to then Reading and Writing. The brain is absorbing the information conciously, visually and audibly and with repetition is storing it subconciously, and that it is called «Memorizing».
~ For the lessons to be presented correctly, the Teacher must understand that the children are learning in their own pace meaning they have to be patient. The Teacher should repeat three times when presenting which is a crucial part for memorization. Ιf the child doesn’t seem to pay attention meaning he/she didn’t get the information then the Teacher should repeat the presentation again until he/she sees that the child is progressing.